Sunday, August 7, 2011

William Eric is 2 months old!!

On August 4, 2011 Will turned 2 months old! We can't believe how fast time is flying. What a big boy he is becoming and we love watching him grow. Here are some photos from Will's 2 month "Birthday!"

Will loves his Binky but has recently fell in love with his THUMB! :)
This is how we found him one afternoon....his thumb and blanket.

Will's 1st pair of "shoes."

Will is all ready for his evening bath.


  1. Oh my goodnes, what a cutie! Great pictures and I love the golf hat! He already seems like quite the little ham! Can't wait to meet him! Hope things are well...looks like you have adjusted into mommyhood with no problems :-)

  2. I love the 2 Month onesie.. so very cute!! Cannot believe he is already 2 months. Hope to meet him whenever your in KC and have a free moment.
